Executive Summary
The objective of Work-package 2 is to design and trial a stakeholder driven governance framework with the involvement of research communities, research institutions, research infrastructures including e-infrastructures, and research funding bodies, to shape and oversee future development of the European Open Science Cloud, and to identify appropriate federated governance model(s) and decision-making structure for it.
As part of that objective, this document outlines a framework for a stakeholder driven governance and decision-making structure for an established EOSC (i.e. post 2021), following from the implementation phase governance structure as detailed in the European Commission’s staff working document “Implementation Roadmap for the European Open Science Cloud”1. This document also outlines the key differences to be addressed in moving from the implementation-phase governance to this framework, and the reasons behind these.
The following report has been written at the time of the EOSC Portal definition, so it cannot fully reflect on how the Governance framework works viz-à-viz with the EOSC portal and its development as a central function in the EOSC universe. However, this development should be accommodatable within the three pillars of the proposed Executive structure.
The framework outlines:
A three-layer governance model consisting of Strategic, Executive and Stakeholder layers, and the interactions and decision flow between these layers;
A resource model for the EOSC, and a skeleton outline of the Executive layer’s role in commissioning and supporting the EOSC resources;
An outline of the role and structure of the Stakeholder layer and its interaction with the Executive.