
EOSC Governance Framework


The EOSCpilot project objectives are to:

  • design and propose a possible governance framework for the EOSC and contribute to the development of European open science policy and best practice;

  • develop a number of pilots that integrate services and infrastructures to demonstrate interoperability in a number of scientific domains; and

  • engage with a broad range of stakeholders, crossing borders and communities, to build the trust and skills required for adoption of an open approach to scientific research

The objective of Work-package 2 is to design and trial a stakeholder driven governance framework with the involvement of research communities, research institutions, research infrastructures including e-infrastructures, and research funding bodies, to shape and oversee future development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), and to identify appropriate federated governance model(s) and decision-making structure for it (see Figure 2).

Figure 2 - EOSCpilot WP2 Governance Outline

As part of that objective, this document outlines a framework for a stakeholder driven governance and decision-making structure which could be used after the initial implementation phase of the EOSC.

The framework outlines:

  • A three-layer governance model consisting of Strategic, Executive and Stakeholder layers, and the interactions and decision flow between these layers;

  • A resource model for the EOSC, and a skeleton outline of the Executive layer’s role in commissioning and supporting the EOSC resources;

  • An outline of the role and structure of the Stakeholder layer and its interaction with the Executive.

The ideas within this document have been developed in consultation with key stakeholders via a variety of fora including, as well as other workshops and presentations:

  • The EOSCpilot Governance Development Forum1

  • Stakeholder consultations2

  • EOSCpilot Governance Piloting Process3

  • EOSCpilot Stakeholder Forum events4

This document is structured as shown in Table 1, below.

Section Summary
Strategic Requirements Outlines the political and policy context for EOSC and the EOSC Governance framework and structure.
Governance Principles Outlines key principles identified from the community and existing work to which any EOSC Governance framework and structures must conform.
Stakeholders and Resources Outlines the under-pinning models of EOSC stakeholders and EOSC resources and services.
Governance Model Outlines the overall model of the Governance Framework.
Governance Structure Elaborates on the structures with the Governance Model.
Governance Transition Outlines a transition from the interim Governance structure established by the European Commission for the initial implementation of the EOSC and the longer-term framework described in this document.

Table 1 - Document Structure

This document is intended to become a living document owned by the community. For that purpose, the contents of the most up to date version can be found on github at:

  1. The work of the forum is addressed in deliverables “D2.3: 1st Report on Governance Development Forum involvement and activity” and “D2.9: Report on Governance Development Board”. D2.3 is a confidential report, and is currently only available to members of the EOSCpilot Consortium and the Commission. D2.9 was awaiting publication at the time of publication of this report. It will be available from the EOSCpilot website at 

  2. See “D2.1: Draft Stakeholder Map” ( and “D2.7: Final Stakeholder Map” (

  3. See “D2.8 Report on governance piloting process” – awaiting publication at 

  4. See and